
Are There Non Pokemon Animals In Pokemon

7 Answers seven

In Gastly's Pokédex entry for Burn down Red information technology states

a being that exists equally a thin gas. It can topple an Indian elephant by enveloping the prey in two seconds.

Fish are also seen in the episode Pokémon Shipwreck:

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Ero Sɘnnin

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answered Nov 20, 2015 at 23:03

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When researching to see if there has always been an animal featured that isn't a Pokémon in a scene or Manga I came across this on Bulbapedia's commodity Animals in the Pokémon earth:

Real-world animals have been mentioned a number of times to exist in the globe of Pokémon. Nigh oftentimes, they are mentioned in relation to a Pokémon category. For example, Pikachu is known as the "Mouse Pokémon" and was directly referred to in the anime every bit an "electrical mouse", hinting that real-world mice exist in the Pokémon world. Other than this, all other mentions of animals are rare.

At that place was also this epitome: Let's have a Festival Pokémon Picture Book

Which clearly shows a dog. However, this is the only image I could find of an animate being that isn't a Pokémon.

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answered Nov twenty, 2015 at sixteen:24

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  • Actually, "electric mouse Pokémon" doesn't exactly imply there are real-globe mice in-universe. Pikachu isn't the only mouse Pokémon, and besides not the only electric one. Proverb "a Pikachu is a mouse Pokémon", would be similar saying "a Labrador is a domestic dog animal". Information technology'due south kinda redundant, but information technology doesn't really have any deeper meaning to it either.

    Nov 20, 2015 at 21:37

There'due south a pretty comprehensive listing of animal occurences in pokemon on Bulbapedia hither.


  • In "Ash Catches a Pokémon" Pidgeotto is seen eating a regular worm earlier existence captured past Ash.
  • In "The Water Flowers of Cerulean City" fish tin be seen in the fish tanks inside the Gym
  • In "Battle Aboard the St. Anne" a cooked lobster tin be seen as nutrient served on the send.

answered November 22, 2015 at 0:44

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Several examples exist in early episodes. Presently before Ash catches Pidgeotto, it eats a worm, possibly the smallest non-Pokémon creature the anime e'er showed. References to such species lasted longer than their appearances. In a much later episode, Ash mentions catfish.

answered Nov 21, 2015 at 17:04

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In season 1 episode 20 in that location is this, I don't think it'southward a Pokémon, only can't say what animal this is:

enter image description here

answered April 25, 2020 at 21:43

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  • I was thinking of the very same episode, it's a mongoose which is snakes' natural rival

    Nov 29, 2021 at 14:23

On the Pokèmon bill of fare Inkay (069/198) rapid strike, information technology is property a roll of cheese. This has a picture of a moo-cow on it.

Also, on the Peony 150/198 supporter card, there is a wood carving of (reindeer, mouse, caribou, or something) next to the closest firm.

answered Nov 30, 2021 at v:29

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  • Howdy, I'm a flake curious why yous deleted your previous answer. Note that you can always edit your post to add more details.

    November thirty, 2021 at 5:35

In one of the episodes in the indigo league they eat muskrat kebabs and say themselves it's muskrat. Don't know which episode though

answered Mar v, 2017 at 0:30

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